WABA Global Breastfeeding Virtual Quilt
The Graced Garden
Block 1 Panel 1
Name: Dr. Jayant Vagha
Organisation: Indian Academy of Pediatrics
Country: India
The Graced garden , everlasting, hopeful and graceful garden of WBW
"Chalo Penang"
Block 1 Panel 2
Name: Dr. Jayant Vagha/Dr. Siddharth
Organisation: Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India (BPNI)
Country: India
Chalo Penang - Let's all unite in Penang
It's Magic
Block 1 Panel 3
Name: Katherine Houng
Organisation: WABA
Country: Malaysia
By Breastfeeding, you give the best of yourself, and your family
Block 1 Panel 4
Name: Carolina Quintana De Oropeza
Organisation: Magenta Educacion Perinatal
Country: Mexico
Block 1 Panel 5
Organisation: WABA
Country: Malaysia
Block 1 Panel 6
Organisation: Penang State
Country: Malaysia
Block 1 Panel 7
Name: Jennifer Mourin
Organisation: WABA
Country: Malaysia
Breastfeeding:Empowering Women
Block 1 Panel 7
Name: Meena Sobsamai
Organisation: Childbirth&Breastfeeding Foundation of Thailand
Country: Thailand
Breast Milk is the Best
Block 1 Panel
Name: Lactation Unit
Organisation: Lactation Unit of Hospital Seberang Jaya, Penang
Country: Malaysia
Breastfed Grandchildren
Block 2 Panel 1
Organisation: La Leche League
Country: USA
Kuwait Breastfeeding Promotion Committee Logo
Block 2 Panel 2
Name: Dr Mona Alsumaie
Organisation: Kuwait Breastfeeding Promotion Committee
Country: Kuwait
La Leche League Luxembourg
Block 2 Panel 3
Organisation: La Leche League
Country: Luxembourg
Grown with LLL Love
Block 2 Panel 4
Name: Pat Young for Robbi Albert Jones
Organisation: La Leche League of Glassboro Group
Country: USA
Breastfeeding in Devon
Block 2 Panel 5
Name: Dani Buckingham
Organisation: Milkyway Mummies, Tiverton Breastfeeding Peer Supporters
Country: UK
Breastfeeding Dolls
Block 2 Panel 6
Name: Themis Zachou
Organisation: The Friends of Breastfeeding
Country: Greece
Breastfeeding -Going Natural
Block 2 Panel 7
Organisation: WABA
Country: Malaysia
Montreal Breastfeeding Challenge
Block 2 Panel 8
Name: Mejab Shaick
Organisation: CRAM
Country: Canada
Building the future with LLL
Block 2 Panel 9
Name: Pat Young for Judith Gilbert
Organisation: La Leche League
Country: USA
Celebrate Adoptive Breastfeeding
Block 3 Panel 1
Organisation: La Leche League
Country: USA
Front of a World Walk Tee Shirt
Block 3 Panel 2
Organisation: La Leche League
Country: USA
Baby in arms
Block 3 Panel 3
Organisation: La Leche League
Country: USA
Reaching out to the world
Block 3 Panel 4
Name: Rebecca S
Organisation: La Leche League
Country: USA
A mother's love changes the world one baby at at time
Block 3 Panel 5
Organisation: La Leche League
Country: USA
Mother's love
Block 3 Panel 6
Name: Val G.
Organisation: La Leche League
Country: USA
Block 3 Panel 7
Name: Pat Young
Organisation: Glassboro Group of LLL
Country: USA
Breastfeeding is best
Block 3 Panel 8
Name: Karen Woods
Organisation: LLL of Canada
Country: USA
LLL Love
Block 3 Panel 9
Name: Mary Francell
Organisation: La Leche League
Country: USA
Hirkani's Room
Block 4 Panel 1
Name: Dr. Alka Kuthe
Organisation: BPNI Maharashtra
Country: India
LLL Love 1956 - 2006
Block 4 Panel 2
Name: -
Organisation: LLLI
Country: USA
Breastfeeding anywhere and everywhere
Block 4 Panel 3
Name: Mouvement Allaitement of Quebec
Organisation: Mouvement Allaitement of Quebec
Country: Quebec
Baby Nursing
Block 4 Panel 4
Name: Lauren Barrett
Organisation: LLLI
Country: USA
Hirkani Initiative
Block 4 Panel 5
Name: Mrs Dipti Paraq Shah
Organisation: BPNI Maharashtra
Country: India
Breast Crawl
Block 4 Panel 6
Name: Dr. Prashant Gangal
Organisation: BPNI Maharashtra
Country: India
Mother to mother Love
Block 4 Panel 7
Name: -
Organisation: LLLI
Country: USA
Gender component of breastfeeding
Block 4 Panel 8
Name: Dr. Kamaki Bhate
Organisation: BPNI Maharashtra
Country: India
Breastfeeding - A mythological fact
Block 4 Panel 9
Name: Dr. Asha Benakappa
Organisation: Lactation Helpline
Country: India
Boomerangs Parenting Programme Circle of Security
Block 5 Panel 1
Name: Saw Cheng Strong
Organisation: In Memory of Sr. Alison Bush (Aborginal Liason Midwife)
Country: Australia
provides emotional support and guidance to indigenous parents.Combines existing parenting technique with ancient wisdom of Australian Aboriginal cultures.
IBFAN Arab World -with Arabic letters
Block 5 Panel 2
Name: Nahed Ismail
Organisation: IBFAN Arab World{IAW)
Country: Switzerland
Breastfeeding is the Best and all related issues can be overcome if we work together hand-in hand.
Block 5 Panel 3
Name: Vasumathi Muthuramu
Organisation: Mother-to-Mother Peer Support
Country: Malaysia
Expressing breastmilk in a cup.
Block 5 Panel 4
Name: Kyamulabi J
Organisation: Breastfeeding Awareness Trust
Country: Uganda
Block 5 Panel 5
Name: Mimi Maza
Organisation: LLL Guatemala
Country: Guatemala
30th years of mother group-the flowers-our happiness 1980-2010,bringing people together
Block 5 Panel 6
Organisation: Amigas do Peito
Country: Brazil
Taiwan Academy of Breastfeeding-logo
Block 5 Panel 7
Organisation: Taiwan Academy of Breastfeeding
Country: Taiwan
Taiwan Academy of Breastfeeding-logo is the shape of our country. On it is a mother breastfeeding her baby.
Breastfeeding support in Paraquay
Block 5 Panel 8
Name: Pushpa V. Panadam
Organisation: PARHUPAR/LLL Paraquay
Country: Paraquay
Breastfeeding support in Paraquay-shows all the different organizations working to promote,protect and support breastfeeding in Paraguay
Amamentacao na primeira hora protecao sem demora
Block 5 Panel 9
Name: Aluno do Cetap
Organisation: Familia Colohata Oficina Educatina.
Country: Brazil
The power of mothers -The Group Support in Brazil
Block 6 Panel 1
Name: Matrice
Organisation: Group Support Mother
Country: Brazil
Supplementation Unmasked-God has not made cow's and buffalo's milk for human
Block 6 Panel 2
Name: Swati M. Temkar
Organisation: BPNI Maharashtra
Country: India
Indonesian Breastfeeding Center Logo
Block 6 Panel 3
Name: Dr. Utami Roesli
Organisation: Indonesian Breastfeeding Center
Country: Indonesia
Amamente - Worldbreastfeeding Week Campaign 2010 poster
Block 6 Panel 4
Name: Regina Da Silva
Organisation: Ministerio da Saude/Brazil
Country: Brazil
Art of breastfeeding
Block 6 Panel 5
Name: B. Sakundala
Country: Penang,Malaysia
Celebrating 20 years
Block 6 Panel 6
Organisation: Grupo Familia Colchete Educando Para O Asleitamento Materno 1990 - 2010 - 20 anos
Country: Brazil
Symbol of the Brazilian Human Milk Bank Network
Block 6 Panel 7
Name: Regina Da Silva
Organisation: Rede Brasileira de Bancos de Leite Humana
Country: Brazil
One Million Campaign
Block 6 Panel 8
Name: Amit, Veena & Preeti
Organisation: BPNI
Country: India
Indonesian Breastfeeding Center Logo
Block 6 Panel 9
Name: Dr. Utami Roesli
Organisation: Indonesian Breastfeeding Center
Country: Indonesia
Initiation of Breastfeeding in a Caesarean Delivery
Block 7 Panel 1
Name: Swati M. Temkar
Organisation: BPNI Maharashtra
Country: India
Divinity-Newborn baby has only 3 demands
Block 7 Panel 2
Name: Steffi Jenifer Quadras
Organisation: Father Muller College of Nursing
Country: India
Divinity-Newborn baby has only 3 demands -warmth in the mothers arm,Food from the breast, and knowledge of her presence.
Flor do Sul
Block 7 Panel 3
Name: Jane Gutierrez
Organisation: Flor do Sul
Country: Brazil
Flor do Sul -Leite Materno Suprimento da Vida e do Amor! Panel with doll breastfeeding
Community Based Programme
Block 7 Panel 4
Name: Regina D Silva
Organisation: "Women's and Children's Health"
Country: Brazil
Community Based Programme-Breastfeeding Intervention in the Community
Panel with colour flowers, with breast in the middle of each flower.
Block 7 Panel 5
Name: Jane Gutierrez
Organisation: Flor do Sul
Country: Brazil
Symbol of Ibero American Human Milk Bank Network
Block 7 Panel 6
Name: Regina Da Silva
Organisation: Rede Iberroamericana de Bancos de Leite Humano
Country: Brazil
Santos and Region Brestfeeding Net
Block 7 Panel 7
Name: Regina Da Silva
Organisation: Santos and Regional Breastfeeding Net | Lactation Center of Santos
Country: Brazil
Santos and Region Brestfeeding Net -One Thousand Mothr Breastfeeding together.
Lotus Flower typical ancient egyptian motive with ELCA logo.
Block 7 Panel 8
Name: Dr. Ghanda Sayed
Organisation: Egyptian Lactation Consultant Association
Country: Egypt
Mother to mother support
Block 7 Panel 9
Organisation: LLL 50th Anniversary
Country: USA
Breastfeeding Nature's Way
Block 8 Panel 1
Name: Linda Wright
Organisation: Breastfeeding Committee of Saskatchewan,Canada
Country: Canada
Block 8 Panel 2
Name: Jane Gutierrez
Organisation:Flor do Sul
Country: Brazil
Panel with colour flowers, with breast in the middle of each flower.
Block 8 Panel 3
Name: Jane Gutierrez
Organisation:Flor do Sul
Country: Brazil
Flor do Sul -Leite Materno Suprimento da Vida e do Amor! Panel with doll breastfeeding
Block 8 Panel 4
Name: Regina Da Silva
Organisation: Ministerio da Saude/Brazil
Country: Brazil
Community Based Programme-Breastfeeding Intervention in the Community
Block 8 Panel 5
Name: Regina Da Silva
Organisation: Ministerio da Saude/Brazil
Country: Brazil
Block 8 Panel 6
Name: Regina Da Silva
Organisation: Ministerio da Saude/Brazil
Country: Brazil
The power of mothers -The Group Support in Brazil
Breastfeeding, an activity that express unconditional love
Block 8 Panel 7
Name: Vaishali Mohite, Prakash Naregal,Nissi Elizabeth,Jogy Kurian, Rajashri Karale,Department of Child Health Nursing
Organisation: Krishna Institute of Nursing Scineces, Krishna Institute of Medical Scineces University Karad
Country: India
Sucessful Breastfeeding
Block 8 Panel 8
Name: Vaishali Mohite, Prakash Naregal,Nissi Elizabeth,Jogy Kurian, Rajashri Karale,Department of Child Health Nursing
Organisation: Krishna Institute of Nursing Scineces, Krishna Institute of Medical Scineces University Karad
Country: India
Block 8 Panel 9
Name: Wang Tongtong
Organisation: -
Country: China
Love and support Mother to Mother
Block 8 Panel 1
Name: Lihua Li
Organisation: Beijing Mandarin-Speaking La Leche Group
Country: China